We provide innovative solutions for the development and improvement of infrastructure that generates well-being and progress.
Desired State
En el 2023 seremos una empresa bien fundamentada y completa, con una organización alineada al cliente, engranada y enfocada a resolver problemas y necesidades que se irán presentando; con objetivos e indicadores claros que permitan finanzas sanas, herramientas y equipos necesarios; atractiva para clientes, proveedores y talento.
Leadership with integrity, loyalty and respect. Ability to fulfill a problem solving methodology. We are proud of our reputation and achievements. We face challenges with perseverance and optimism. Quality based on experience, knowledge and innovation.

The Integrated Management System, in simple terms, is what AURIGA does to take care of its costumers, its employees and the environment.
The customer is taken care of with ISO 9001 quality, fulfilling all their expectations and needs, always seeking to achieve their total satisfaction, thereby creating lasting relationships based in the mutual trust and fidelity.
That is why at Auriga:
- We always seek customer satisfaction.
- We manage to exceed their expectations at every moment.
- We work by fulfilling their needs.
- We provide the best solutions.

AURIGA, always striving for continuous improvement, aims to care for the environment in its operations, and this is achieved through ISO 14001. This allows us to work while ensuring not to harm the environment, rationally using the natural resources., and promoting awareness in this matter to all our collaborators, with procedures that allow the management of plans and resources to achieve this objective.

That is why in Auriga
- We take care of the environment
- We preserve natural resources
- We avoid the contamination of soil, water and earth
- We promote the care of the flora and fauna.
At AURIGA, employees are the foundation of our work, which is why we take care of their safety and occupational health ISO 45001. The objective is to ensure safe working spaces for all of our contributors prioritizing their health implementing programs that allow us to achieve these goals
In this regard, at AURIGA:
- We employ the best safety and health practices.
- We work in a safe and healthy manner.
- I take care of myself and I take care of my colleagues.
- We avoid putting ourselves and our colleagues at risk.